Sunday, July 15, 2007


I made reservations for hostels in Girona (one night only!) and Rome. In Barcelona, I will be staying with Carmen and Paco, she is the sister of one of our family's good friends, Loli (and her husband whose name is also Paco haha). :)

This is my last week here! Unlike all the other girls in the program, I have not gotten emotional about it. I think its due to the fact I still go to Barcelona and Rome after this. It is also due to the fact that I don't feel very emotionally attached to the girls in my program. Since I live in a homestay, hanging out has been difficult. I will, however, miss my host mom. She has been great! She also wooks delicious salmon quiches, which I have now learned how to do! WOO!

So overall, life is good. I am uber super duper excited about Barcelona and Rome! I like the idea of going on my own. I hope to find people to hang out with in Rome or I'll have to head back to the hostel at 6 PM, I have read in Rome if a girl (foreigner) is out on her own past 6 she is thought as "wanting some."

THis, being my last week of school, means I have to write a 10 page essay on Albert Camus' views on the death penalty and the absurd. I am quite scared, being that I have very limited access to the public library and cannot check out books. For the other class (Women in the francophone world) I will attempt to critique the essays given to us in a post-modern way. I now kinda wish I had picked something a little bit easier hahaha. Oh well, it's were my heart is I suppose!

So now I'm off to do something. I've been seated in my butt for hours trying to find safe and affordable hostels.

I leave you with a great quote by professor Ahmed Bougarche from Women in the Francophone world class:
"They call women the weaker sex and make them wear veils that cover up everything but the eyes. My question is, if women must cover up everything but their eyes in order for males to restraint themselves, who is the weaker sex?"

hahaha. maybe you had to be there, he's really expressive... :)

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